
Chef 0.9.12 Released

Today we have a small release of Chef to fix a few bugs that slipped through the testing process for 0.9.10. Fixed in 0.9.12:

  • CHEF-1706: Using node in an attributes file causes an infinite loop when loading the file in shef.
  • CHEF-1480: Chef passes the invalid option -r to usermod.
  • CHEF-1785: shef -z calls sync_cookbooks with incorrect arguments.
  • CHEF-1795: The remote file resource fires notifications when the file hasn’t changed.
  • CHEF-1792: chef-solo deletes files in cookbooks.

CHEF-1792 is a critical fix for chef-solo users, who are encouraged to upgrade immediately.

Thanks to everyone who diagnosed and reported these issues. Special thanks go to Laurent Désarmes for his super-speedy resolution of CHEF-1785.

Dan DeLeo